Dr. Lars Schieber
Project Manager

Tel: +49 (40) 52 479 489 2
Lars Schieber possesses several years of expertise in the areas of project development, financial management and project management within the framework of the Interreg Baltic Sea, North Sea, North-West Europe and Interreg Europe programmes, as well as in Creative Europe and Horizon Europe. As such, he has been extensively engaged in the areas of coordination, presentation, and public relations. Lars has been working on the programmatic as well as strategic level of EU funded projects. This has given him extensive insight into creating complex concepts and conducting well-developed studies.
Thematic priorities of his work include economics, innovation, circular economy, and demography.
Lars studied geography, political science and economics at Kiel University. After successfully completing a PhD on the topic ”Cluster Development and Cluster Politics between Growth and Lock-In” and working as an academic assistant at the University of Bremen, Lars started as an advisor in the area of economic politics with an emphasis on evaluation and regional development at a consulting agency in Hamburg. He joined REM Consult in April 2013.
Schieber, Lars / Gilles, Angelo (2021): Design more efficient innovation policy instruments with better RIS3 monitoring. Compilation of Findings. https://media.voog.com/0000/0045/9358/files/EmpInno%20Monitor%20S3%20-%20Compilation%20of%20Findings_final.pdf
Mossig, Ivo / Schieber, Lars (2016): Driving Forces of Cluster Evolution: Growth and Lock-in of two German packaging machinery clusters. European Urban and Regional Studies (23), Heft 4, S. 594-611.
Mossig, Ivo / Schieber, Lars (2013): Determinanten der Clusterentwicklung. Geographische Zeitschrift (22), Heft 2, S. 101-122.
Schieber, Lars (2013): Clusterentwicklung und Clusterpolitik zwischen Wachstum und Lock-In. Göttingen, Optimus-Verlag.
Kluck, Christian / Schieber, Lars (2011): Die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in Bremen. In: Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsgeographie und Regionalentwicklung. Heft 3-2011.
Schieber, Lars / Mossig, Ivo (2011): Clusterentwicklung und -politik in der Verpackungsmaschinenbau-Industrie Hessens. In: Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsgeographie und Regionalentwicklung. Heft 2-2011.
Schieber, Lars / Mossig, Ivo (2011): Clusterentwicklung und -politik in der Verpackungsmaschinenbau-Industrie Baden-Württembergs. In: Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsgeographie und Regionalentwicklung. Heft 1-2011.
Hassink, Robert / Schieber, Lars (2008): Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. In: OECD (Hrsg.): A Review of Local Economic and Employment Development Policy Approaches in OECD Countries; Part III: Case Studies of Regional Economic Development Approaches. OECD. Paris, S. 65-88.
Hassink, Robert / Schieber, Lars (2008): Regional Policy in Germany: sandwiched between or inspired by neighbouring policy fields and the European Union? In: Koh, Y.-S.; Chung, W. (Hrsg.): International Experiences of Regional Policy and Policy Implications of Korea. Seoul, S.175-200.
Seminar “Regionale Wirtschaftsförderung – Förderprogramme und Förderprojekte” at Kiel University, 2023
Seminar “Geldsegen aus Brüssel, Berlin und Kiel? Förderprogramme und -projekte zur Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung“ at Kiel University, 2021
Parts of the lecture „Humangeographie, Schwerpunkt Wirtschaftsgeographie“ at Kiel University, 2017
Lecture and seminar „Standortpolitiken – Grundlagen, Konzepte, Praktiken“ at the University of Bremen, 2012; 2010; 2009
Lecture and seminar „Descriptive statistics“ at the University of Bremen, 2011; 2010; 2009
Lecture and seminar „Information and communication technology in teaching“ at Kiel University, 2010; 2009; 2008