Climate & Energy
By pledging to support the Sustainable Growth priority of the Europe 2020 Strategy, the EU-Member States have expressed their willingness to aim for a cut in greenhouse gas emissions, an increase in the share of renewable energy, and a more ambitious move towards an increase in the level of energy efficiency.

Climate protection and adaption, sustainable and future-oriented energy supply and energy efficiency all represent objectives mentioned in many different funding programmes of the EU and its Member States. The co-funded research and cooperation projects shall contribute to meeting the climate targets set out in the Paris Climate agreement, to ensure energy supply and to promoting businesses’ competitiveness in the energy sector.
Our experience in the “Climate & Energy” field
Against this backdrop, REM Consult has been involved right from the start in effective national and international projects on climate protection and renewable energy. We have taken part in the development and coordination of several projects which aim at creating more favourable conditions for offshore wind energy in Europe. Currently we are supporting the Baltic InteGrid project which promotes integrated offshore grid development in the Baltic Sea region. In addition to this, we have been commissioned by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development to draft a practice-oriented guideline for regional planners (”Handlungshilfe Klimawandelgerechter Regionalplan“) in collaboration with HafenCity University Hamburg. The guideline discusses how to design a climate-friendly regional plan and furthermore examines regional planning requirements and instruments for climate adaption.