Our Values

As diverse as our projects are, there are certain values that guide us through all aspects of our work.

Empathy and Respect

At REM Consult, we are convinced that engaging in dialogue is essential for developing joint solutions that benefit all. Mutual respect, commitment and the ability to understand and embrace the positions of others are all important traits in this regard. Everyone – be it us as a service provider or you as a client or partner – has their very own set of unique experiences, perspectives, and aspirations. Recoginising this great diversity as something enriching and valuable is important to us at REM Consult. We maintain relationships to our clients based on consistency, confidentiality and professionalism. Developing and accompanying projects is more than a purely technical process. For us, it is a matter of commitment and of identification with the goals and objectives of every project we support.

© REM Consult


Europe is faced with a variety of social, economic and ecologic challenges and the European Union is currently confronted with criticism from many sides. We are convinced that cooperation, common understanding and communication of a warm, open and constructive type are more effective than any kind of isolation or nationalism. In the face of today’s complex multi-level challenges, international cooperation can contribute to finding shared solutions to common problems in Europe. We advocate building “bridges of understanding“ to promote good ideas that can help make Europe and its regions a better place.

© REM Consult


Sustainability is at the core of our actions. This holds true for our projects in which social, environmental and economic sustainability play a crucial role as well as for our own behaviour at work. We try to organise our everyday working life according to sustainable values and standards. When travelling, we try to use public transport whenever possible, and when we do book flights, we cover CO2 trade-offs. Since acting in a sustainable manner already starts with small actions, we use recycling paper, drink fair-trade coffee, consume electricity from renewable sources and heating in our office is powered by P2G (“windgas”) technology. We believe that everyone can make a contribution to sustainability – no matter how small.

© REM Consult