Public Relations
Share your ideas with others!

Being able to reach out to a large audience and to disseminate information to the appropriate target groups are important requirements of EU co-financed projects in all programmes. Together we shape your project’s message, develop a communication strategy and define relevant target groups. Wherever possible, we try to involve these groups to allow for exchange between the project and its target groups; after all, project communication should not be a one-way road.
We offer advice as regards the design of project logos, flyers and brochures, websites and innovative communication tools, always in accordance with the particular project and programme requirements. To ensure good visibility of your project, we collaborate with reliable external service providers, such as graphic design agencies.
Even a project that’s been diligently planned and implemented can only become a success on the condition that the results do not just benefit the project partners themselves, but also the target groups at large. We therefore provide support in successfully disseminating project results at the national and international level. This includes – alongside social media campaigns, digital formats and print products – the planning and organisation of seminars, workshops, and conferences. Here, we also assume responsibility for moderation and presentation tasks, making use of an extensive methodological repertoire.