Economy & Innovation

Innovations are the driving force behind smart growth in cities and regions. Generating and fostering them and providing a sustainable economic environment is a crucial task of regional development.

Whether structural changes in different sectors, globalisation, demographic change, digitalisation or climate change, all these large-scale trends represent new challenges to society. Coping with them and generating jobs and growth requires fostering creativity, new ideas and knowledge advantages and to allow for their economic exploitation. Interaction and cooperation across borders constitute an important basis for this. Non-technological forms of innovation such as social innovation and process innovation also need to be taken into consideration accordingly.

Our experience in the “Economy & Innovation” field

REM Consult is involved in various projects supporting the economic and innovative capacities of the actors concerned. Take for example the EmpInno project, whose concept we drafted in collaboration with Rostock Business (the business support agency of the Hanseatic City of Rostock). In this project, the partners analyse how to enhance the implementation of regional innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) in medium-sized cities and regions. The CATCH project aims at identifying and exploiting the often underestimated economic potential of coastal angling tourism for less-developed regions. We also supported the Goethe Institut in the Creative Ports project to foster the internationalisation of the cultural and creative industries and the effects on regional innovation ecosystems. Among our completed projects are RENET (retail industry development in the Baltic Sea region) as well as South Baltic OFFER and POWER cluster – both focusing on value chains in the offshore wind energy sector and further related issues.

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