POWER cluster – Offshore Wind Energy in the North Sea Region
Between 2008 and 2011 POWER cluster promoted the development of transnational offshore wind energy cooperation in the North Sea Region.
POWER cluster built upon and further developed the existing transnational network of the former project POWER (“Pushing Offshore Wind Energy Regions”). The partners addressed regional key challenges in order to expand the excellent market position of the North Sea states in the wind energy sector. POWER cluster furthermore contributed to the vision of a European-wide sustainable energy supply. The measures undertaken in the project aimed at improving investment, labour and living conditions in the North Sea region. Further, POWER cluster focused on improving the social acceptance of offshore wind energy, strengthening the related economy, adapting the qualifications of the regional labour force to their needs and developing an offshore wind energy cluster.
Promoting such a cluster in a more targeted, specific way enabled the development of synergies. Knowledge and experience of individual actors willing to cooperate can contribute in the area of research and development, for example, to a strengthening of the innovation capacity in the region. Jointly developed training guidelines can also help to remove bottlenecks in terms of highly skilled labour. The development of the cluster consequently contributed to enhanced competitiveness and enabled the region to benefit even more strongly from the fast growing offshore wind energy sector.
POWER cluster was funded by the INTERREG IVB North Sea Region programme from 2008 until 2011. REM Consult was a co-initiator of the project. As such, it supported the lead beneficiary BIS Bremerhaven as well as the 17 other partners in project and financial management.