Mobility & Transport

Technological progress and changing demographic, cultural and socio-economic circumstances all influence our mobility patterns. They influence how goods and services are being moved and how we as humans are getting from here to there during our daily endeavours. These changes ask for comprehensive solutions, both in the urban as well as the rural context.

Mobility is a basic need which enables participation in everyday social and economic life. When it comes to basic mobility offers, cities and municipalities are faced with the challenge of ensuring an economically and ecologically efficient and broad provision of high quality services. The population’s mobility needs are rapidly changing and new mobility patterns – along with the advancing digitalisation – offer new opportunities for innovative, multimodal and environmentally-friendly mobility concepts.

Our experience in the “Mobility & Transport” field

REM Consult has supported different mobility-related projects. The Interreg project MAMBA aims at testing innovative mobility concepts  in rural areas of the Baltic Sea region and integrates such solutions in so-called Mobility Centres. The project DiveSMART Baltic is about improving the transnational coordination of rescue diver activities in instances of maritime emergencies. We moreover developed BSR electric (e-mobility) and GreenSAM (age-friendly urban mobility) for different clients.

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