Interreg B

Interreg B serves to promote transnational cooperation in programme areas of a wider geographic scope. In the B strand, REM Consult is specialised in the Baltic Sea Region, North Sea Region, North West Europe and Europe Programmes.

Throughout the EU, fourteen different Interreg B programmes exist. They target transnational challenges which are of special importance for the respective regions. Every Interreg B programme features three to five thematic priorities which are selected from a catalogue of seven thematic objectives set out by the European Commission in cooperation with the Member States. In this way, integrated territorial development shall be ensured which, at the same time, also takes the specific conditions of the region concerned into consideration.

Interreg Baltic Sea Region

The transnational cooperation projects developed and supported by REM Consult run primarily under the Baltic Sea Region Programme. Its programme area covers countries and regions bordering the Baltic Sea, including Norway and parts of the Russian Federation. In the Interreg VI B Baltic Sea Region programme more than 250 million Euros are made available for projects in the following thematic priorities: Innovative Societies, Water-Smart Societies, Climate-Neutral Societies as well as Governance Cooperation to support the EU Baltic Sea Region Strategy (EUSBSR). “Blue” growth and sustainable, climate-friendly innovations are important cross-cutting issues in all priorities.

Interreg North Sea Region, Central Europe, North-West Europe and Europe

In addition to the Baltic Sea Region Programme, the northern parts of Germany are further covered by the programme area of the North Sea Region Programme. REM Consult has already realised several projects in the North Sea Programme and is furthermore acquainted with the Central Europe, North-West Europe and Europe Programmes. An overview of our projects can be found in our project database.

Our experience for your project

In the funding period 2014-2020, REM Consult has managed to support the development of 20 projects in the Baltic Sea Region with an above-average approval rate of close to 90 percent. In some of the projects, the project partners have also commissioned us with the task of project management and/or finance management. This is the case with SEMPRE (Social Empowerment in Rural Areas), EmpInno (S3-Empowering for Innovation and Growth in Medium-Sized Cities and Regions), AREA 21 (cooperative energy planning on district level) and further projects.

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