Dr. Angelo Gilles
Project Manager

Tel: +49 (40) 52 479 489 5
Angelo Gilles joined REM Consult in January 2018. With his expertise in the fields of project development, project and financial management, Angelo manages projects and project applications in Interreg Baltic Sea, South Baltic, North Sea Region as well as in the research framework programme Horizon Europe, and developed Interreg Europe applications. He acquired his competences in project development, project management and public relations by many years of experience in developing and coordinating national and international projects. Furthermore, he benefits from vast project experience in science management, knowledge transfer to policy actors, and project communication and co-development with end-users in the fields of e.g. pharmaceutical in the environment, migration and integration, demography and intercultural communication.
Angelo graduated in social geography, demography and landscape development at the Christian-Albrechts-University (CAU) of Kiel. After obtaining his doctorate on “translocal trader networks between Africa and China“ at the CAU Kiel in cooperation with the Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, China, he worked as an independent consultant for several research institutions, i.e. CAU Kiel, HAW Hamburg, GIGA Hamburg, meeresmedien.
Walsh, C., Muesch, M., Petersen, M., Siemen, H., Gilles, A. (2022), Analysis of Funding Opportunities for future project activities of the Trilateral Wadden Sea World Heritage Partnership. PROWAD LINK, Interreg North Sea Region Programme. Link
Guizani S., Aldag S., Almqvist J., Beldowski J., Chubarenko B., Gajewska M., Gilles A., Hannes M., Hofmann J., Kołecka K., Kotwicki L., Möller T., Sachpazidou V., Schubert H., Viik K., Woelfel J. (2021): Policy Brief – Towards sustainable solutions for beach wrack use and recycling. CONTRA, Interreg VB Baltic Sea Region Programme. https://www.beachwrack-contra.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/CONTRA-Factsheet-WEB.pdf
Woelfel, J., Müsch, M., Gilles, A., Hofmann, J., Siemen, H., Schubert, H. (2021): Baltic beach wrack — challenges for sustainable use and management. CONTRA, Interreg VB Baltic Sea Region Programme. https://eucc-d-inline.databases.eucc-d.de/files/documents/00001298_CONTRA-ToolKit-Web.pdf
Gilles, A., Siemen, H., Björklund, E., Svahn, O. (2021): Guidance document on the need of removal of pharmaceuticals from wastewater in the coastal regions of the South Baltic Sea. MORPHEUS, Interreg VA South Baltic Programme. https://www.hkr.se/contentassets/a7d8c58757b5433295081d4f7f69ee92/morpheus-guidance-document.pdf
Gilles, A, Schieber, L. (2021): Testing and improving RIS3 monitoring in EmpInno Monitor S3 partner regions. Summary of tested approaches. https://media.voog.com/0000/0045/9358/files/EmpInno%20Monitor%20S3%20-%20Summary%20of%20tested%20approaches_final.pdf
Schieber, L., Gilles, A. (2021): Design more efficient innovation policy instruments with better RIS3 monitoring. Compilation of Findings. https://media.voog.com/0000/0045/9358/files/EmpInno%20Monitor%20S3%20-%20Compilation%20of%20Findings_final.pdf
Wolf, F., Lopez, N.R., Leal, W., Hannes, M., Gilles, A., Siemen, H., Badere, I. (2020): The BSR Electric Roadmap – Fostering E-mobility solutions in Urban Areas in the Baltic Sea Region. BSR Electric, Interreg VB Baltic Sea Region Programme. https://www.bsr-electric.eu/content/7-results/bsr-electric-roadmap-single-page-view.pdf
Romankiewicz, C., Gilles, A. (2019): Westafrika ist mobil. Die Normalität von Migration und die Fragwürdigkeit europäischer Migrationssteuerung. Solidarische Welt 12(2019). https://www.aswnet.de/fileadmin/user_upload/PDF_Themenheft/SWTH-2019-8-Westafrika-Romankiewicz.pdf
Gilles, A.: The social construction of Guangzhou as a translocal trading place. In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs – Hamburg: GIGA Institute of Asian Studies, ISSN 1868-4874, Vol. 44 (2015) 4, S. 17-47
Gilles, A.: Sozialkapital, Translokalität und Wissen. Händlernetzwerke zwischen Afrika und China, ISBN 978-3-515-11169-0, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, Erdkundliches Wissen, Bd. 158, 2014
Guest Lecture „Multicultural business networks. African migrants in China“, HAW Hamburg 2017
Guest Lecture „Westafrikanische Mobilität im Spannungsfeld zwischen gelebter Migrationskultur und europäischer Grenzziehung“, GK Migration und Flucht, Hamburg 2017
Conception and lead of the workshop „Europäische/deutsche Asyl- und Flüchtlingspolitik“, CAU Kiel 2010
Conception and lead of the seminar/exkursion „Leipzig – Shrinking City“, CAU Kiel 2009/2010
Conception and lead of the seminar „Humangeographie“, CAU Kiel 2010