CATCH – Sustainable Coastal Angling Tourism

CATCH promotes the development of sustainable coastal angling tourism in the South Baltic region by promoting closer cooperation as well as by improving the flow of information and cross-national marketing measures.

In recent years, there has been a rising demand for coastal angling tourism as the activity grows in popularity. Coastal angling offers a considerable cross-seasonal development potential for the South Baltic tourism sector, especially for less-developed regions. Despite its huge market potential, angling tourism still remains a niche market. Its offers do not reach beyond word-of-mouth communication and the local activities of individual suppliers. CATCH seeks to strengthen coastal angling tourism through enhanced cooperation of local stakeholders and joint marketing efforts. By integrating social, economic and environmental demands, CATCH ensures sustainable tourism development that benefits both the marine ecosystem and the economic development of local communities.

Achieving this requires a thorough analysis of demand and supply structures in the partner countries Poland, Denmark, Germany and Lithuania. The project partners moreover identify good practice examples for successful angling tourism development. Based on these analyses, new concepts for sustainable coastal angling tourism are developed and new ways of adopting successful good practices in the region are sought. Last but not least, establishing and marketing sustainable coastal angling tourism necessitates improved information supply and targeted marketing measures, which the project safeguards by developing an innovative internet-based information and knowledge platform.

The project has been approved in April 2016 in the first call of the Interreg South Baltic Programme 2014-2020.