Elections to the European Parliament
On 26 May, the citizens of the European Union vote for a new parliament.

Naturally, for us as a consultancy specialised in EU projects, the European Union is of special importance. In our everyday work we support international consortia to develop and realize their ideas across borders. However, our projects are much more than this. In European cooperation projects, organisations from all over the continent work together on joint solutions to Europe’s most pressing common challenges. They contribute to evening out economic and socio-spatial disparities and open up new opportunities for peripheral (border) regions. At the same time, cooperation projects have a second dimension that is equally important but almost impossible to measure with the usual figures and “result indicators” common to European projects. Behind every organisation engaging in international projects are ordinary yet committed citizens representing different regions and cultures of Europe. Sort of as a by-product of their daily cooperation work they oppose prejudices, overcome barriers and develop a positive understanding of Europe’s cultural diversity. On 26 May it’s your turn to decide on the future development of the European Union. We appreciate every vote in favour of European cooperation.