Successful applications in the BSR Programme
REM Consult is happy that several projects supported by us in the project development are approved in the third call of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Program.

It was worth all the ideas, fruitful cooperation and work in the end… The team of REM Consult congratulates the project partnerships that we supported in developing their successful project applications for the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Program. The projects of “our“ Lead Partners in all three priorities Innovation, Natural Ressources and Sustainable Transport start on 1st January 2019 and last two and a half years.
The Interreg Baltic Sea Region Program selected 31 out of 114 submitted projects with a total ERDF funding of 56 million Euros on 19th/20th September 2018. Together they shall develop the Baltic Sea Region into a more innovative, better accessible and more sustainable place. We are happy to contribute our part to this goal and wish all projects good luck in the project implementation!
REM Consult supports municipalities, universities, NGO’s and further clients developing their projects from first ideas to successful applications in a number of funding programmes. More information on our project development services is available here.