South Baltic OFFER – Offshore Wind Energy in the South Baltic Sea
South Baltic OFFER serves the development of a core region for offshore wind energy in the South Baltic region. Its aim is not only to make use of the regional energy potential but also to further develop the innovation capacity of the participating regions.
The South Baltic region and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania in particular are well under way to establishing themselves as a new competence region in the field of offshore wind energy. The region Rostock promoted this development with a cooperation project for the Interreg IV A South Baltic Programme 2007-2013 together with partners from Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Latvia. At the same time, the innovation capacity of the region has been demonstrated and further improved. The project was based upon experiences from the Interreg North Sea Region projects POWER and POWER cluster and made use of synergy effects with these two projects. REM Consult supported the partners in drafting the project application.
The proposal was submitted in the 3rd call of the South Baltic Programme and approved in January 2010.