Interreg BSR: project developments
We at REM Consult keep our fingers crossed for the applications in the second call of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.

REM Consult supported the preparation of four project developments in the 2nd call of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme.
On behalf of the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Schleswig Holstein, REM Consult coordinated the concept development and submission of a project application under the programme objective 2.1 “Sustainable waters” to strengthen the role of cities in the area of marine protection.
Within the same programme objective 2.1, REM Consult supported the University of Rostock in submitting a project for the implementation of a comprehensive risk assessment of pharmaceutical trace substances in the environment.
Under the programme objective 1.1 „Resilient economies and communities“, REM Consult developed a project application together with the Hamburg Music Industry Interest Group to strengthen the resilience of music industries in the Baltic Sea region.
On behalf of the Hamburg City Authority for Economics and Innovation, REM Consult coordinated the concept development and submission of a project application in the programme objective 1.2 „Responsive public services” to promote innovation and strengthen regional ecosystems for social innovation and social entrepreneurship.
We wish our clients and international project consortia good luck in the funding decision (June 2023). If successful, the projects will contribute to a more sustainable and resilient Baltic Sea Region.