Making the construction sector more circular with Interreg Europe

On behalf of the Senate Chancellery of the City of Hamburg, the REM team has developed a project in spring 2022 that increases the circular economy in the construction sector. During its meeting on 13th December 2022, the Interreg Europe Programme has approved this application. Can we also support you and your project idea, e.g. in the second call of the Programme?


What do the Hamburg Climate Plan has in common with the Regional Programme of Calabria 2021-2027, supported by ERDF and ESF+, or with the Local Energy and Climate Pact between the Flemish Government and Flemish Cities and Municipalities? All these policy instruments include relevant activities with big impacts on sustainability and circular economy in the construction sector. To influence and improve these regional development policies is the mayor goal of the project KARMA – Circular Economy in the Construction Sector, acting today for a better tomorrow.

Besides organisations from Flanders, Calabria and Hamburg the consortium consists of partners from Romania, Hungary and the county Bergstraße from Hesse, Germany. They are united by the intention to make their cities and regions greener and more sustainable. In this regard, the construction sector with its huge resource consumption and overall volume offers great potential for advancements. Approaches by project partners could be to improve housing and restoration of buildings, construction waste and waste management, cost-efficiency and environmental impacts of processes. Within KARMA the partners will initiate learning processes by interregional exchange of good practices and feeding learning results into the adaptation of own policy instruments.

The four-year project was approved as one of 72 projects selected in the first call of the Interreg Europe programme. With KARMA, REM Consult deepens its expertise in the field of Circular Economy that the team built up with several project developments in the programmes Interreg Baltic Sea Region, Interreg North Sea, or Horizon Europe. Moreover, REM Consult has successfully supported the development of the Interreg Europe project RUMORE and supported its project implementation as project and financial management on behalf of the HafenCity University Hamburg. The second call of Interreg Europe will be open from 15th March to 9th June 2023.

We congratulate all KARMA partners and wish the consortium all the best for the implementation of the project!

If you would also like to benefit from our expertise in this second call or in other funding programmes, just get in touch. Further information on the topic of project development can be accessed here.

Further Information