CONVINCED – Conversational Interface for Senior Citizens
Ample digital solutions address demographic challenges – the approach adopted by CONVINCED is special, as it is “conversational“.
The issue of demographic change is connected with a variety of challenges. At the same time, the development of artificial intelligence systems is progressing with increasing force. The CONVINCED approach connects new technologies with demographic challenges by developing low-threshold, barrier-free and intelligent support systems for elderly people. The development takes place in so-called “Living Labs” where the preferences and reactions of the target group are tested and analysed. The solutions are identified in strict user-centric iterative development cycles (Design Thinking). Not only is the technical feasibility decisive, but also the benefit created for the elderly people and their well-being, which is of great importance.
REM Consult supported the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) throughout the project development – from structuring the project idea to managing the future consortium, from composing the application to running project development workshops and is the designated communication and dissemination partner.