REM Consult active in North-West Europe
We are happy to support the partnership of the Interreg North-West Europe project EYES (Empowering Youth through Entrepreneurial Skills) in the financial management.

The aim of the project EYES is to empower young people who are not in employment, education or training (=NEET) to actually use the regular entrepreneurship and employment support schemes offered by their cities for (re)entering the North-West Europe labour market.
On behalf of the Lead Partner and client Institut für Kirche und Gesellschaft der Evangelischen Kirche von Westfalen, REM Consult supports the eleven project partners from Belgium, Great Britain, the Netherlands, France and Germany for finances and reporting.
The co-designed EYES approach combines entrepreneurial education with personal coaching and a digital platform to increase the chances of young people for employment and entering the regular support schemes of their cities and regions. During a transnational project meeting at the University of Greenwich(UK) in Mid-January, which was complemented by a workshop with social partners and young persons from the target group NEETs, Dr. Lars Schieber acquainted the project partners with financial management know-how and reporting procedures and requirements.