SKINT – Stakeholder-Survey on the Water Framework Directive
REM Consult supported the Interreg project SKINT by conducting a survey on the Water Framework Directive with relevant stakeholders in the North Sea region.

Duration: 2009
The aim of the project “SKINT – North Sea Skills Integration and New Technologies“ (Interreg IVB North Sea Region) was to support the implementation of the Floods and Water Framework Directives. The project partners from Germany, Norway, Great Britain and the Netherlands wanted to contribute to the improvement of the water quality in urban areas as well as to minimising the risk of flooding.
REM Consult, commissioned by the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), conducted a personal stakeholder survey on the topic of “Sustainability in Water Projects”. This survey helped identifying if and how different aspects of sustainability were taken into consideration in water projects in different parts of Europe. In addition, REM Consult drafted a documentation of two water projects in Hamburg.