Thure de Frenne

Project Manager

Thure de Frenne joined REM Consult in August 2024. He has extensive experience in regional development and municipal funding advice. He worked for the Project Management Organisation Jülich (PtJ) as part of the National Climate Initiative and reviewed applications with regard to funding policy requirements, project objectives and the appropriate use of funding. In the last four years, he has been involved in the updating of regional development concepts (REK), the creation of village development plans and other conceptual funding bases as well as municipal funding advice. One focus was on broad-based participation processes.

Thure de Frenne studied geography and urban and regional development at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. He has freelance expertise in the development of training concepts and workshops. He gained international experience as a Fieldwork Logistics Officer in an evidence-based research project at the University of Oxford in the Eastern Cape in South Africa and in qualitative data collection in southern Africa as part of his master’s thesis.